• Pay Bill Online
  • For mental health emergencies call our CSU: 1-800-609-2002
    Crisis Hotline: 1-800-609-2002

Teen Center

Any youth ages 13 to 18 years of age is invited to attend our new Teen Center at Pawnee Mental Health! This is a safe place to have fun, meet new friends, play games, watch movies, eat delicious snacks, and more! Teen Center is held on the first Friday of every month.

You do NOT have to be a client to attend so come on down to join in on the excitement!

Registration is required for each session. To register visit https://secure.qgiv.com/for/teecen/.

Each participant must have the following form completed and signed by the participant and a parent/legal guardian before being admitted. Click here to obtain the necessary form.

If you have any questions about Teen Center, contact Gabrielle at teencenter@pawnee.org.